The Semmelweis Society: Medical Credentials, Privileges, and Unbiased Peer-Review. Safe Practices.
When Bad Things Happen To Good Doctors
Bad By-Laws
4 Career Considerations
The Danger Is Immunity
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Semmelweis Services
Malicious peer-review is part of the war for money.  The principal weapon is defamation...
Biased (economic) peer review is professional assassination, defamatory collusion to commit professonal gang-rape for-profit. Therefore, sign no contracts or by-laws unless due-process protects your reputation, your satisfaction, and your income.  In this age of corporate medicine, you can be blackballed as a 'disruptive physician' for patient-advocacy. 

       To avoid what happened to Dr. Waite, consider these points as you select a practice:

         1.     Incentive--sufficient extra-pay for extra-work / liability,

             including fair assignment of the cost / liability of non-paying patients; 

        2.  Economy--low malpractice-insurance premiums; 

        3.  Autonomy--as you define it in an age of business-medicine;

        4.  Security:  a:  No restrictive covenant in case of professional 'divorce';

                             b:  Independent peer-review.  Independent peer-review is critical in case of professional 'divorce', and should be specified in contracts and by-laws by all doctors re-locating yearly, many (~17,000) entering practice for the first time, many with large debts.  Practice-security means equal-opportunity to remain in town on the call-schedule with equal-access to referrals, to avoid being squeezed out by economic defamation,  decredentialing, corporate-medical profits, collusive-competitive peer-review, etc.  Rivals may attempt to discredit each other; large, bloated organizations attempt to swallow the profits of efficient, smaller practices in the name of 'quality.'  Ours is the age of occasional instant, national, competitive, collusive, electronic defamation-for-profit (We have several splendid Data Banks).  Prudent practice-selection, like matrimony, involves  "pre-nuptual agreements" (contracts, by-laws) to encourage good treatment (love and affection).  Financial incentive is important, but due-process peer-review is essential to avoid competitive-defamation and career-destruction, particularly when reimbursement is falling.  Unless there is peer-review with 'clean hands', do not 'comsummate' any 'marriage.'  The skeptical physician will select another 'suitor':  "Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect and it is shameful to surrender it too soon or to the first comer.  There is nobility in preserving it cooly and proudly through long youth, until at last, in the ripeness of instinct and discretion, it can be safely exchanged for fidelity and happiness."  George Santayana, Skepticism and Animal Faith, IX. 

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